Network marketing has become the victim of many misunderstandings and some bad repute in years past. Sadly, sometimes a bad reputation was well deserved. Today, however, most network marketing organizations have to follow strict codes of conduct. Their products have to be of the highest standards.
And the high-pressure sales techniques employed in the past no longer work. Some of the misunderstandings still commonly heard are covered in the following pages.
- It Is A Pyramid Scheme
(Network Marketing Is Good Or Bad)
This is one of the most common misconceptions. Often, when you tell a new person about business, this is what he says: ‘Oh, that’s one of those pyramid things, isn’t it?’ Interestingly.
When they are challenged, most people making the comment do not understand what is a pyramid scheme, or even how a pyramid scheme works. Certainly, they do not understand network marketing. Putting aside structural differences. The most important point of difference is that pyramid schemes are illegal and reputable network marketing companies are not.
Many network marketings companies are now established in countries around the world. They have had to undergo strict government regulatory scrutiny before being allowed to open. Further to this, many network marketing businesses now deal with Fortune 500 companies, distributing these products or services through their networks. Something the solicitors of those Fortune 500 companies would not allow if they were dealing with an illegal pyramid.
- You Make Money Out Of Other People
(Network Marketing Is Good Or Bad)
People often remark that being in a network marketing business is just making money out of friends or other people. People often remark that being in a network marketing business is just making money out of friends or other people. If you were a tradesperson.
For example, and your friends wanted to engage your services to renovate their home. Would you decline the offer? Because you didn’t want to make money from them. Network marketing does not differ from traditional business.
It has a special product or service available for purchase by those who choose it.
- You Will Lose All Your Friends
(Network Marketing Is Good Or Bad)
People involved in network marketing will often make many more friends because of their involvement. Because you meet so many new people while developing your network. And then work with many more as business associates over the life of your business, your circle of friends grows.
Many of them remaining lifelong friends. This is not to say that there are not people who have lost friends. There has been, and probably always will be, a minority involved in network marketing whose nature it is to be pushy. They dislike listening to NO in answer and are very demanding as well.
If someone rejects their business opportunity, then they get angry. Usually, these people are the ones that wanted to do it their way. They wouldn’t listen to advice or connect to the training and support system. Their involvement in network marketings is often short.
If you were running a traditional business and were constantly pressuring your friends to buy from you. It wouldn’t take long to lose them—but as we know, most people owning a traditional business have many friends. Why? Because they go about their business professionally.
Your network marketing business is just like that, a business. Go about your business professionally and you will not lose friends. You will make many more than you would have otherwise.
- It Is A Cult
(Network Marketing Is Good Or Bad)
You can see Often a lot of excitement, enthusiasm, motivation, and commitment in the people involved in network marketing. For people outside the industry, this can be a little difficult to understand.
And some of them can see the enthusiasm as akin to a cult following—only because they don’t relate to this level of motivation and commitment when compared to their own situation. It is very common for people to slip into the hard work of living a day-to-day existence.
Likewise, being on a treadmill, experiencing very little excitement, enthusiasm, motivation, or commitment. It is easy to understand why seeing people in network marketing displaying the opposite, being so passionate and committed. Hence, it’s difficult to accept.
An external influence drives more people, like ….. satisfying their boss, paying off a bank overdraft, or having a mortgage hanging over their head. They can not operate their life for personal dreams and goals. People who are attracted to network marketing see the Business as an opportunity to get off the treadmill.
As they see results, their attitude becomes even more positive. Their excitement and commitment towards the business grow, and they are driven internally. People who can’t grasp the concept of someone doing something without being forced to do so by an ouside influence often come to the conclusion that someone must be convincing them to do it.
The whole environment of excitement, enthusiasm, motivation, and commitment that surrounds the network marketing industry is often misunderstood. Probably the key here is perspective. When sports fans go to a stadium with their hair dyed and faces painted in their favorite team’s colors, wave flags, yell and scream alongside thousands of other people showing the same excitement, enthusiasm, motivation, and commitment, we think that’s normal.
Yet when those in network marketing show enthusiasm and motivation towards their own business opportunity and their business team. thus, it looks weird.
- Nobody Makes Money
(Network Marketing Is Good Or Bad)
This is quite a common remark. you will also feel like this if you also start living in such people. who are in network marketing but couldn’t make some money.
If you haven’t come across one of them yet, you will. There are, it is true, many people who have made no money from their network marketing business. They blame the business, not themselves.
Most of them did not plug into the support system, did not listen, were not active enough in their business. They did not give it long enough to work and did not treat it as a real business.
If they had started a traditional business with the same lack of focus and respect, they would have failed there as well. Because in most cases the start-up costs of a network marketing business are very low, it can reflect this in the commitment given to the business.
The important thing you need to know is that many thousands of people have made money from network marketing. There is much of it significant, and you can also do it if you decide to work at it.
Being in network marketing is no different to being in traditional business—if you don’t work the business, the business won’t work for you. The other thing that is important here is, once again, perspective. For example, how many people start a university degree and don’t graduate?
Good thing universities don’t have a failure ceremony at the end of the year—if they did, no one would think that university works. How many people do you know who’ve started out on a fitness program, or joined a gym, and simply quit?
What failed here: the fitness program, the gym, or the individual? In business consider how many people start a traditional business and fail. The figures are truly alarming (in some areas, nine out of ten businesses fail within the first two years), and in most cases, people lose everything.
If we focused on this fact, no one would want to start a business and the economy would probably collapse.